knigh frank
knigh frank
knigh frank

AI výber top kandidátov
AI výber top kandidátov

Naše AI porovná zručnosti kandidátov s požiadavkami vašej pracovnej pozície a vyberie tie najvhodnejšie z nich.

AI hromadný import CV
AI hromadný import CV

Už žiadne manuálne spracovávanie životopisov.

Automatizovaný hiring
Automatizovaný hiring

Naše AI vytvorí pracovnú ponuku aj otázky na pohovor.

Podrobná analytika
Podrobná analytika

Kľúčové ukazovatele pre nábor a zapracovanie. Meranie a optimalizácia procesov obsadenia pozícií.

Spracovanie inzercie

Vytvorenie pracovných ponúk pomocou AI

Vytvorte profil ideálneho kandidáta na inzerované pozície.
Umelá inteligencia pripraví pracovnú ponuku za vás.

  • Prispôsobiteľný vzhľad inzercie
  • Automatizované vytváranie pracovných ponúk
  • Generovanie šablón pre rôzne pozície
Publikácia pozície

Zdieľanie novej pracovnej ponuky

Integrujte ATS s webovým prostredím, zverejnite pozíciu z aplikácie na kariérnej stránke a zdieľajte ju na pracovných portáloch.

  • Zdieľanie pozícií na pracovných portáloch
  • Integrácia do vlastného webového prostredia

Správa náborového procesu

Spravujte celú cestu uchádzača priamo v aplikácii Sloneek. V priebehu výberu meníte fázy náboru a odovzdávate kompetencie na kolegov. S identifikáciou vhodného kandidáta aj prípravou na pohovor vám pomôže AI.

  • AI hromadný import CV
  • AI výber top kandidátov
  • Hromadné akcie a správa GDPR súhlasov
  • Komunikácia s uchádzačom priamo v aplikácii
  • Generovanie otázok na pohovory
Talent pool

Prehľadná databáza talentov

Nemôžete nájsť vhodného kandidáta alebo na trhu aktuálne nie je? Pravá chvíľa preskúmať talent pool. AI nájde kandidáta medzi kandidátmi aj v talent poole.

  • Automatizácia zhody pozície so zamestnancami
  • Odporúčanie vhodných kandidátov z talent poolu
Automatizácia AI

Plne automatizovaný hiring

Umelá inteligencia vytvorí pracovnú ponuku aj otázky na pohovor, prečíta životopisy, vytvorí z nich kandidátov, pripraví o nich krátke zhrnutie a zoradí nových aj interných kandidátov podľa toho, ako sa pre danú pozíciu hodí.

  • AI tvorba pracovných ponúk
  • AI hromadný import CV
  • Stručné zhrnutie o uchádzačovi
  • AI výber top kandidátov
  • AI generovanie otázok na pohovor
  • Odporúčanie kandidátov z interného talent poolu

Meranie efektivity náboru a prehľad uchádzačov

Kľúčové ukazovatele pre nábor a zapracovanie. Merajte a optimalizujte procesy obsadenia pozícií.

  • Počet publikovaných pozícií za dané obdobie
  • Konverzné pomery cesty náboru
  • Prehľad efektivity náborových nástrojov
  • Priemerná doba obsadenia pracovného miesta
  • Priemerná doba strávená v jednotlivých fázach
Nastavenia náboru

Individuálne nastavenia ATS

Aplikácia ponúka základné nastavenia náborového systému, ktoré si môžete prispôsobiť presne podľa svojich potrieb.

  • Nastavenie fáz náboru
  • Vytvorenie schvaľovacieho procesu
  • Zdrojovanie kandidátov
  • Kategorizácia talent pool
Referencie našich klientov

Prečo HR manažéri používajú Sloneek?

Šárka R.
Everything from HR in one place

It may sound like a cliché, but I value a friendly environment. This HR system is not about control of workers and their working time but, above all, about the cooperation of teams, users and managers.

Kathy K.
Excellent HR system

We are extremely satisfied with the Sloneek personnel system. It innovatively streamlines work and bureaucracy, and whenever needed, the consultant is always willing to help with anything.

Martin B.
Jednoduchosť a jasnosť!

It's easy, clear, includes personal information, and offers good support. Overall, it excels in clarity, simplicity, interconnectivity, and the ability to customize various settings.

Lenka F.
Overall a very positive experience

Clear and intuitive design, easy to use, the main features why we are using it (HR employee tracking, vacations, business trips, etc) work well. There is also the possibility to give suggestions and feedback.

Veronika G.
Our experience is positive

I would like to pick up communication and willingness to advise. We consider the well-developed API, clear application and web server to be a great advantage.

Denis D.
Sloneek is great HR Solution!

Sloneek's has user-friendly interface and powerful features! You can easily track employee time off, manage performance reviews, and keep all of your important HR documents in one place.

Jan K.
The best tool for HR ever

We have been searching for a tool to efficiently manage HR-related tasks and associated data for quite some time. Previous platforms I've worked with were only able to store data digitally.

Lucie B.
HR tool that grows with you

I'm thrilled with their excellent technical and client support, along with their continuous efforts to enhance the tool, showing their commitment to an exceptional user experience.

Sona S.
Time saver for the whole HR!

Sloneek has made a remarkable impact on our company, helping to remove the major HR pain points with no time. It has user-friendly interface and intuitive design made the transition for all users very smooth!

Diogo S.
Awesome EU based HR System

It's a very user friendly system, which was very easy to implement - it took us a few hours and everything was up and running. We use Sloneek for HR records, documentation, timesheets, PTO.

Zuzana L.
Sloneek helps us with daily agenda

Manage employee life-cycle, store contracts, amendments, and work tools in one place, eliminating 20 different Excel sheets. Ideal for HR/back office organization. Worth trying for a clean-up.

Anna C.
Superbly flexible HR tool

The tool is flexible and customizable, offering intuitive operation and quick familiarity. Its Slack hook for absence management, which notifies who's in the office, is especially appreciated.

Šárka R.
Everything from HR in one place

It may sound like a cliché, but I value a friendly environment. This HR system is not about control of workers and their working time but, above all, about the cooperation of teams, users and managers.

Kathy K.
Excellent HR system

We are extremely satisfied with the Sloneek personnel system. It innovatively streamlines work and bureaucracy, and whenever needed, the consultant is always willing to help with anything.

Martin B.
Jednoduchosť a jasnosť!

It's easy, clear, includes personal information, and offers good support. Overall, it excels in clarity, simplicity, interconnectivity, and the ability to customize various settings.

Lenka F.
Overall a very positive experience

Clear and intuitive design, easy to use, the main features why we are using it (HR employee tracking, vacations, business trips, etc) work well. There is also the possibility to give suggestions and feedback.

Veronika G.
Our experience is positive

I would like to pick up communication and willingness to advise. We consider the well-developed API, clear application and web server to be a great advantage.

Denis D.
Sloneek is great HR Solution!

Sloneek's has user-friendly interface and powerful features! You can easily track employee time off, manage performance reviews, and keep all of your important HR documents in one place.

Jan K.
The best tool for HR ever

We have been searching for a tool to efficiently manage HR-related tasks and associated data for quite some time. Previous platforms I've worked with were only able to store data digitally.

Lucie B.
HR tool that grows with you

I'm thrilled with their excellent technical and client support, along with their continuous efforts to enhance the tool, showing their commitment to an exceptional user experience.

Sona S.
Time saver for the whole HR!

Sloneek has made a remarkable impact on our company, helping to remove the major HR pain points with no time. It has user-friendly interface and intuitive design made the transition for all users very smooth!

Diogo S.
Awesome EU based HR System

It's a very user friendly system, which was very easy to implement - it took us a few hours and everything was up and running. We use Sloneek for HR records, documentation, timesheets, PTO.

Zuzana L.
Sloneek helps us with daily agenda

Manage employee life-cycle, store contracts, amendments, and work tools in one place, eliminating 20 different Excel sheets. Ideal for HR/back office organization. Worth trying for a clean-up.

Anna C.
Superbly flexible HR tool

The tool is flexible and customizable, offering intuitive operation and quick familiarity. Its Slack hook for absence management, which notifies who's in the office, is especially appreciated.

Bedřich S.
Sloneek makes us happy at work!

This user-friendly platform offers an intuitive and enjoyable UX. Its mobile app accessibility and language options enhance user experience, making it highly appreciated.

Marta K.
Friendly HR system

I've never seen a better HR system dashboard; it instantly displays essential daily info about employees. The mobile app is great, allowing immediate absence entry without needing a computer.

Andrea O.
Great job Sloneek!🐘

I'm highly satisfied with Sloneek's customer approach. Its Czechoslovak roots are commendable. Navigation within Sloneek is simple and intuitive. The team's quick response to errors and evident continuous development of the tool is impressive.

Alice H.
Sloneek is driver of HR transformation

This HR administration tool greatly aids HR professionals in evolving from administrative roles to strategic partners, supporting the entire employee lifecycle including recruitment, onboarding, adaptation, engagement, development, and offboarding.

Jana P.
User friendly and improving HRis

The platform features modules for comprehensive HR needs with a user-friendly, clear interface. It offers rapid customer support, always available to help, and is priced ideally for small businesses, startups, and NGOs.

Ondřej S.
Sloneek helps us to manage HR data

In today's dynamic business world, a robust HR system is crucial. Sloneek, an all-in-one HR solution for startups to large firms, streamlines workforce management. This modern system offers comprehensive features, enhancing efficiency and saving hours weekly in HR tasks.

Tomáš P.
Manage people, not your software

Sloneek stands out as a versatile HR platform suitable for both startups and large enterprises. It simplifies the management of workforce journeys, offers a range of features, and significantly cuts down on weekly HR process time.

Xenie O.
Top all-in-one HR app

Sloneek, a cutting-edge HR software solution, streamlines business operations by seamlessly monitoring employee work hours, tracking absences, and efficiently managing asset allocation through a user-friendly centralized platform, revolutionizing how businesses manage their workforce.

Klaudia T.
Simple & effective Time Tracking tool

The platform is exceptionally user-friendly and effortless to navigate, making it accessible directly from your smartphone. Furthermore, the dedicated support team has gained a stellar reputation for their swift resolution of any issues, guaranteeing a seamless and hassle-free user experience.

Marek N.
Very helpful software!

Sloneek is Innovative, simple and easy to use HR solution and by mi own experience its ideal tool for companies starting digitalization of their HR processes and also for upgrades from the obsolete systems. Excellent client service!

Jiri V.
Great HR tool

Discover our incredibly user-friendly and feature-rich HR software, designed to meet the needs of companies of any size. With its intuitive interface and robust functionality, it streamlines HR processes and offers great customer support to ensure your organization's success.

Jitka Z.
Great experience with Sloneek

Our HR software offers fantastic, fast support, constant improvements, easy employee use, and customizable features to fit your needs and cover all necessary employee data, including the option for custom boxes.

Bedřich S.
Sloneek makes us happy at work!

This user-friendly platform offers an intuitive and enjoyable UX. Its mobile app accessibility and language options enhance user experience, making it highly appreciated.

Marta K.
Friendly HR system

I've never seen a better HR system dashboard; it instantly displays essential daily info about employees. The mobile app is great, allowing immediate absence entry without needing a computer.

Andrea O.
Great job Sloneek!🐘

I'm highly satisfied with Sloneek's customer approach. Its Czechoslovak roots are commendable. Navigation within Sloneek is simple and intuitive. The team's quick response to errors and evident continuous development of the tool is impressive.

Alice H.
Sloneek is driver of HR transformation

This HR administration tool greatly aids HR professionals in evolving from administrative roles to strategic partners, supporting the entire employee lifecycle including recruitment, onboarding, adaptation, engagement, development, and offboarding.

Jana P.
User friendly and improving HRis

The platform features modules for comprehensive HR needs with a user-friendly, clear interface. It offers rapid customer support, always available to help, and is priced ideally for small businesses, startups, and NGOs.

Ondřej S.
Sloneek helps us to manage HR data

In today's dynamic business world, a robust HR system is crucial. Sloneek, an all-in-one HR solution for startups to large firms, streamlines workforce management. This modern system offers comprehensive features, enhancing efficiency and saving hours weekly in HR tasks.

Tomáš P.
Manage people, not your software

Sloneek stands out as a versatile HR platform suitable for both startups and large enterprises. It simplifies the management of workforce journeys, offers a range of features, and significantly cuts down on weekly HR process time.

Xenie O.
Top all-in-one HR app

Sloneek, a cutting-edge HR software solution, streamlines business operations by seamlessly monitoring employee work hours, tracking absences, and efficiently managing asset allocation through a user-friendly centralized platform, revolutionizing how businesses manage their workforce.

Klaudia T.
Simple & effective Time Tracking tool

The platform is exceptionally user-friendly and effortless to navigate, making it accessible directly from your smartphone. Furthermore, the dedicated support team has gained a stellar reputation for their swift resolution of any issues, guaranteeing a seamless and hassle-free user experience.

Marek N.
Very helpful software!

Sloneek is Innovative, simple and easy to use HR solution and by mi own experience its ideal tool for companies starting digitalization of their HR processes and also for upgrades from the obsolete systems. Excellent client service!

Jiri V.
Great HR tool

Discover our incredibly user-friendly and feature-rich HR software, designed to meet the needs of companies of any size. With its intuitive interface and robust functionality, it streamlines HR processes and offers great customer support to ensure your organization's success.

Jitka Z.
Great experience with Sloneek

Our HR software offers fantastic, fast support, constant improvements, easy employee use, and customizable features to fit your needs and cover all necessary employee data, including the option for custom boxes.

Blog Sloneek HR systém

Vyskúšajte Sloneek na 14 dní úplne ZADARMO

  • Bez záväzkov a zadávania platobnej karty
  • Okamžitý prístup ku všetkým funkciám
  • Pomoc s nastavením a onboardingom
  • Komunikácia vo všetkých svetových jazykoch
Sme tu pre vás

Môžeme vám pomôcť?

Naši experti zodpovedia otázky, ukážu vám Sloneek a  pomôžu modernizovať vaše HR.

  • Špičkový onboarding
  • Predstavenie všetkých funkcionalít
  • Prezentácia a ponuka vášmu HR na mieru
  • Odpovieme na všetky otázky
Group 1469
image 70
image 69
image 55

Zanechajte nám kontakt, ozveme sa vám.


Všetci používatelia
  • Informačný panel o absenciách a pracovnom čase
  • Náhľad na zostatky neprítomností (dovolenka, dni práceneschopnosti atď.)
  • Náhľad plánovaných udalostí neprítomnosti v kalendári
  • Vkladanie udalostí neprítomnosti prostredníctvom webového a mobilného kalendára
  • Vkladanie poznámok k udalostiam
  • Pridávanie komentárov a lajkov k udalostiam v rámci absencie podrobností o udalosti
  • Označte v komentári konkrétnych používateľov, ktorí potom dostanú upozornenie
  • Vkladanie príloh k udalostiam
  • Upozornenia na schválenie udalosti nadriadeným prostredníctvom mobilného telefónu, aplikácie a e-mailu
  • Všetky správy o udalostiach a súhrnné správy o neprítomnosti
  • Správa Kalendár pracovného času na zobrazenie fondu pracovného času a odpracovaného času
  • náhľad plánovaných udalostí neprítomnosti podriadených v kalendári
  • Schvaľovanie neprítomností podriadených prostredníctvom oznámení, informačného panela a kalendára
  • Vyhradené schvaľovanie obrazovky s filtrovaním udalostí
  • Rýchle schválenie všetkých čakajúcich udalostí jedným kliknutím
  • Komentáre k udalostiam svojich podriadených
  • Náhľad správ o podriadených s exportom do programu Excel
  • Konfigurácia dostupných udalostí vo forme číselníkov
  • Vytváranie číselníkov udalostí neprítomnosti a pracovného času
  • Preddefinované šablóny pre najbežnejšie typy neprítomností
  • Definícia vlastných jazykových prekladov názvov udalostí
  • Konfigurácia pracovného času všetkých používateľov
  • Umožniť vybraným používateľom kresliť vybrané udalosti
  • Nastavenie zostatkov a jednotlivých fondov pre všetkých používateľov
  • Rýchle hromadné nastavenie zostatkov, prostriedkov a oprávnení na čerpanie
  • Generovanie správ o všetkých čerpaných udalostiach
  • Vytváranie správ o zostatkoch a prehľadu absencií
  • Generovanie časovej správy kalendára
  • Generovanie časového hárku
  • Exportovať správy do CSV, XML, XLS